Friday, December 5, 2008

Street Fighting Tips, Moves And Techniques

So what exactly are the best street fighting techniques to use in the case of a real attack.

You need street fighting moves that:

1.)Don't require hours of practice,
2.)Are easy to remember under pressure, and
3.)It certainly can't hurt if their effects on your attacker are painful and downright nasty. You need to be able to end the fight quick and easy.

My definition of a street fight is when there is a confrontation between 2 or more people, And No Rules Apply. When you're in a street fight, there's no referee there to call "low blows," there's no points, no rounds, and there's no calling a time out when you've had enough. It's just 2 people in a drag down, all out brawl, or 1 person who's having to deal with multiple attackers. Either way, no rules apply, and you have to do what it takes to survive!

The more you understand street fighting, the less you will fear it and the better prepared you will be. Here are some things to keep in mind in real street fighting:

(1) Street Fighting is fast and explosive;

(2) Street Fighting is unpredictable and spontaneous;

(3) Street Fighting is ugly and brutal;

(4) Street Fighting is extremely dangerous;

(5) Unarmed Street Fighting usually turns into a ground fight;

(6) Kicking is seldom used in Street Fighting;

(7) Street Fighting is almost always unfair.

(8) And finally... there are no rules when Street Fighting.

There are lots of street fighting tips that I could give you, and most would take pages and pages to fully explore. Here are just a few street fighting tips that can keep you alive in a street confrontation.

One of the best street fighting techniques to remember is that whenever you are squared off with a dangerous attacker you must strike first, strike fast, and keep the pressure on. This street fighting move is critical to being able to stop your attacker dead in his tracks, and can often end the fight before it starts.

Telegraphing means letting your assailant know what you're going to do during the street fight. There are many subtle forms of telegraphing that you may not even realize. Here are just a few: (1) Cocking your arm back before punching or striking; (2) Tensing your neck, shoulders or arms before striking; (3) Widening your eyes or raising your eyebrows; (4) Shifting your shoulders; (5) Taking a sudden and deep breath.

One of the best street fighting tips to remember is to not use flexible weapons (chains, belts, etc.) in a street fight. I know the movies and television would have you believe differently but they are actually ineffective for some of the following reasons: (1) They can be difficult to control in a fight; (2) Once you swing a chain, for example, if you miss you can't retract it quick enough to make it worth your while; they have to follow through the complete range of motion to be re-executed; (4) They open you up to a variety of possible counters during a street fight; (6) They can get snagged or caught on your assailant’s body or limbs, and they can get it away from you and use it against you.

There are three possible target zones. Zone One (head region). They include: eyes, temples, nose, chin, and back of neck. These areas affect his senses. Zone Two (neck, torso, groin) deals with targets related to the attacker's breathing. They include: throat, solar plexus, ribs, and groin. Zone Three (legs and feet) deals with targets that affect his mobility. They include: thighs, knees, shins, instep, and toes.

These are just a few street fighting tips to remember if you ever find yourself in this unfortunate situation. These tips, moves and techniques have barely scratched the surface though in really being able to become unstoppable in an actual street fight.

Stop using ineffective street fighting moves and street fighting techniques that are only going to get you killed. Visit Street Fighting Pressure Point Techniques to learn 3 of the easiest but nastiest street fighting techniques you can use in a fight right now!!! See ya on the other side!!!

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